Removing Rocket Rod's PVC Encasement for Installation

Rocket Rod and Rod Stripping Tool

Hey Chris, how do I know how much of the PVC encasement to remove from Rocket Rod when installing Rocket Rack trapeze style?

Great question! There are a few options that can help you get your installation just the way you want it. First, if you’re installing a single tier of the tented rack, you can simply use the Robroy Rod Stripping Tool. This tool safely and easily removes 1-7/8” of the encasement to expose just the right number of threads needed for a secure, hygienic installation. The Rod Stripping tool can also easily be adjusted to remove 1” of the encasement by loosening and moving the Allen locking screw. (See the video below for more details on how this is done).

Since every installation might be a little different, a good commonly used rule of thumb for a secure connection is to ensure you have as much thread length engagement as the diameter of the rod you are using. This means that on a 3/8” diameter rod you would want .375” in thread engagement (or 6 turns). When using ½” diameter rod you want .500” in thread engagement.